Websites/Chat sites for 60 year olds


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I have been asked by a 60 year old aunt of mine to recommend some sites that she could visit. Other than askaboutmoney I am afraid to recommend anything else to her - my view of the internet is that you discover yourself. However this is not a 60 year-old's view. What I think she wants is some equivalent of bebo except one for older folk. Chat rooms for older folks? Anybody got any pointers? Thanks
What are her interests? If she's into cooking, you could suggest - Delia Smith's website. It's almost all Delia's recipes free (+ some paid content) and a message board that seems friendly enough.
Good one - thanks. What's worrying me about her at the moment is that she keeps looking at the property sites . There's one problem with buying online, like cds books etc, but property ! I presume something like bebo which I myself have never yet (but will in the next few mins) visited has an older/maturer side to it as well. Edit: Yikes - that bebo site is really geared to kids/students.
Again, it hugely depends on her interests, but I find fascinating. Part of the site includes message boards, but there's also loads of info on the buildings of Ireland. A different slant on property!
She would probably find this interesting [broken link removed] for the
over 50s -not that I am of course