WebSite upload to Server


Registered User
I have a small website and update on a weekly basis.
After Update I check the Net
On the "Eircom Server" it is Updated at once
When I check the "Mozilla Firefox Server" it could take anything from hours to days and even a week to Update?
Am I doing something wrong?
Not sure what you mean by 'Mozilla Firefox Server' and 'Eircom Server'. Try clearing the browser cache then close the browser, reopen and try again?
Not sure what you mean by 'Mozilla Firefox Server' and 'Eircom Server'. Try clearing the browser cache then close the browser, reopen and try again?

It must be the brower cache. When I first read the message I though the OP was asking about ftp upload speed.
Sorry if I am not clear in my message.
I Update my WebSite this morning and UpLoad it
I then Open the Internet using EIRCOM check my WebSite and the new information is there.
Another person opens their Internet using Mozilla Firefox and check my WebSite and it may not Update for up to one week after my Upload?

Get the other user to clear his browser cache then. Or consider adding meta tags to the site itself to better manage caching.

Or see the other comments above.
I then Open the Internet using EIRCOM check my WebSite and the new information is there.
Another person opens their Internet using Mozilla Firefox and check my WebSite and it may not Update for up to one week after my Upload?
The terms used here are very confusing.

You don't "Open the Internet" using Eircom. You can connect to the internet via an Eircom connection, if that's what you mean?

When connected to the net, you can browse information in a number of different programmes (Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox being two of the most popular). Is the problem only happening on Firefox? Or is it slow to update for IE as well?