Website HTML question


Joe Nonety

Does anyone know how to create a website where it'll refresh when the user goes to the website, but won't refresh anymore afterwards?
Is this not the default behaviour of a web-page? Give more info.
Let's say I create an index.html file with just
<P>Hello World</P>
If I visit that website, it says "Hello World" on screen.
If I modify that website to
<P>Goodbye World</P>
and visit that website from the same machine it will still say "Hello World" unless I refresh.

I've seen this with quite a few websites and was wondering how to do I refresh at the start?
I know how to do an automatic refresh every x seconds, but I'd prefer to do it just once.

It's probalby because the page is loading from the cache - i.e. the browser is not making a fresh call to the server to get the HTML file rather it's just loading it from the temporary internet files folder on your hard disk.

META tags in a HTML file can (to some extent at least) protect against caching - they basically can pass a "no-cache" message to the browser .. Google should give you lots about this ... there are other methods too (more complex) - I'm no expert perhaps others can volunteer.

I've seen this with quite a few websites

Why not look at the source code of these pages.

i.e. I've seen other websites with the same font refreshing problem.
The ones I've seen without the problem have the code hidden.