Web developer/programmer ..advice wanted

money man

Registered User

Posting this query for a friend who is designing websites. She usually designs basic websites and can put the live herself but is doing a more complicated website for a client and needs a web developer/programmer to do the technical side of the site.Design will be provided, just need the website built in Dreamweaver etc to include a password protected area and possibly a shopping option to buy products from the website. What is the going rate for this type of work...is it done hourly or on a single set fee? She will obviously want to deal directly with the developer and not risk losing her client at the same time so would prefer someone who is more in the IT side of things. Any advice? Offers? Thanks
No that wouldnt be an option. She has a very good relationship with her client and to be honest if someone did that to me i wouldnt be thrilled with them. Why not just get the person who is doing it in the first place so and cut out the middle man. No better option would be to sub contract the part of the work which she is not qualified in and look after the design (which she has a degree in ) herself.
Flax might just try that seems like a good site ...do you think that you could trust the people doing the work and that they will still be working in a few months? How do you pay for it or contact the person? I wonder would it be possible to build up a relationship with a programmer over there so that they could do work regularly ?
Flax might just try that seems like a good site ...do you think that you could trust the people doing the work and that they will still be working in a few months? How do you pay for it or contact the person? I wonder would it be possible to build up a relationship with a programmer over there so that they could do work regularly ?

I've been using scriptlance for many years. It's great value.

All the programmers have reviews, so you can see how long they have been using the website and how good they are. You generally can't go wrong if you select someone with a lot of positive reviews.

All communication can be done by e-mail, phone or (and I recommend this) via scriptlance so everything is recorded.

You can pay up front, after the job or by escrow...

No problem forming a long term relationship with the programmers. Best to just post your project on the site and see what kind of interest there is. There is no commitment to select anyone, and it's free to post your project.