Weather Girls Accent

LOL, yeah Dr M, it's bad when I can't spell my own name.

I wonder am I the only one who suffers from proof-reading dyslexia. Don't shoot me down guys - it's hard to come out of the closet on a message board with such high standards. You see, I do appreciate a well-written, grammatically correct piece with correct spelling. I even know many of the rules and laughed my way smugly through Eats Shoots and Leaves and keep a copy of Bill Bryson's Troublesome Words on my desk at home. But with all that, when I read over something I've just written I just don't seem to see the errors that later seem blatantly obvious. It's not just here either, it's with essays and sometimes at work. The worst bit is that the mistakes are often with stupid things (like it's/its) that I really do know. I would love to know if there are some techniques or concentration tricks that would help.

ClubMan said:
On a related point HRT can also be quite irritating. As can be the seemingly official RTÉ pronunciation of "Ahhh-Tea-E".

HRT, is that what it is, I though I just loved the female Aussie accent...