Wealthy non-domiciled - what to do?


New Member

I'm nearing 40, non-dom, have roughly 3M in mostly stocks, and another 500k pension.

Looking to diversify away from mostly stock, and start e.g. a 3-5 year glide into a Golden Butterfly or similar variant.

I have no other tax residencies or relevant tax obligations, I'm not American, I can sell what I have no with 0 CGT.

I'm looking for assets similar to portfoliocharts.com Golden Butterfly, that are non-dom tax friendly.

Basically I'm wondering whether the US ETFs like IJS, VTI, TLT, SHI, GLD would be suitable, or would they be subject to 41% exit tax given they're not UCITS. .. or if there is a list or simple guidelines on finding similar asset that would allow me to rebalance once in a while keeping the zero tax - or rather without having to pay anything unremitted.

Generally, I don't mind using Schwab or IBKR, to place basic limit orders in line with what whatever rebalancing spreadsheet says. I'm hoping that'd be enough.


And perhaps a related question, how does one go looking for a capable "financial planner", or is it QFA, or what kind of professional do I even need?. Is there an online rolodex of such people somewhere with maybe a bit more info re what they do and what they don't do? Essentially, I don't need someone to sell me a sucky 1% AUM magical product that makes my life easy at age 75, I need someone with practical advice on this aspect of Irish taxation, and who might be able to talk PWR and SWR using tooling on hand, and efficient frontiers and whether Guyton-Klinger or three bucket would be useful for our setup if we end up planning house renovations or travel.

what kind of professional do I even need?

A Chartered Tax Adviser (CTA) who specialises in advising on the tax treatment of funds is a good starting point.

A firm I would recommend in this regard as they have specialists in this area are KTA (www.kta.ie).

They should be able to guide you on the tax treatment of any funds you decide to use to execute the strategy above.

Secondly, I'd put enquiries out to a few Certified Financial Planners (CFP) to see if they have the skills and experience in regard to safe withdrawal rate strategies and approaches, Monte Carlo modelling etc. What you are looking for is a fee-based adviser to help you construct a plan or give you a second opinion on your course of action.

I suspect, though, that you are probably capable of deciding on a suitable SWR approach yourself.

Some excellent resources to help in this regard are:

Safe Withdrawal Rate:
Part 48 of this series of articles on SWR deals with the merits or otherwise of bucket strategies.

SWR implementation approaches: Guyton-Klinger & Guardrail Strategies etc.
Living Off Your Money: The Modern Mechanics of Investing During Retirement with Stocks and Bonds. McClung, Michael
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Marc Westlake is a Chartered Financial Planner and has a particular expertise in investment and tax cross-borders. He deals mainly with high net worth individuals, so you just might qualify.

He used to post here, so you can see some of his work

Thank you both, I'll follow up with them.

@AAAContributor - re doing your own Monte Carlo etc... I feel like you're right, there are a lot of resources/tools explanations online, it feels relatively easy to research with a bit of spare time. e.g. Start with a 60/40 4% ballpark the "Trinity study", learn about sequence of returns, use some free tools, build some spreadsheets.

Info on taxes for my particular case seems to be sort-off missing, perhaps it's just too niche to cover.

Thanks again.