we are moving back ,loads of questions?


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getting married in one month and we are planning to move back to Ireland from New York ,have loads of questions.
I own 3 houses all of them are rented at present and one will be vacant and ready for us to move in when we get there .
here are some of the questions that we have

1. how much does it cost to put my wifes name on all the deeds?

2. we are moving in to the newest one , this is my largest tax right off , is this prudent ? it's the only option bar renting (not an option) or buy another once we get settled in.

3. anyone have advice on moving companys from New york and the varoius regulations we have to comply with setting up residency ?

we have so many questions but will be back with more later

thanks for the help

1. The 'wife' will be more interested in the "Family Home Protection Act" no doubt, the deeds should be a few squids , nothing major.

2. dunno whose tax you are writing off, you should take advice from a good irish accountant on optiimsing your tax across jurisdictions though. You may be best off moving on the 30th of jun or the 1st of July depending on what they say.

3. Companies cannot really be moved . You buty one here and reverse the US one into it (or vice versa) and it may depend on what the company does . Again get a good accountant .
I think the poster might have meant removal companies?

Family Home legislation only applies to the PPR, not to any other properties owned by either partner.

Re 'residency', if you are an Irish citizen (or have a parent who is an Irish citizen), then there are no residency requirements to meet, you have the right to live here. Depending on how long you have been away, you may need to apply for a PPS number (see www.revenue.ie).

If one of you is not an Irish Citizen, you may need to apply for visa/right to work permit; Dept. of Justice are responsible for this area, their FAQ on this is irritatingly 'under construction', try .
thanks to Kildrought and tonka for such speedy responses

Just to clarify a few points
I did mean removal companys not transfering a limited company from New York to Ireland .

when i said " we are moving in to the newest one , this is my largest tax right off " of the 3 investment properties i own we will be moving in to the one that i purchased most recently,cost the most and thus has the most intrest payable on the mortgague and is my largest tax right off

Both my wife are both US and Irish citizens so no problems with residency, what i had hoped to find out was the rules regarding moving our possessions form here to there the vat that we could be liable for etc
We're moving ourselves in July from around Boston back to some place as yet unknown back home.. Anyhow - I've sent you a PM with details of a shipping company I've been in contact with and the guy seemed to know his stuff. I had gotten quite a few quotes over a year ago and rang a couple of places about a month ago .. I liked his deal as you could have the container overnight (and if it was weekend til the Monday) whereas some places only give you two hours before they start charging per hour.. I think you've supposed to own the stuff for either 6 or 12 months or you'll be liable for VAT .. I don't know how that's calculated but it's something I need to know also .. Anyone any ideas on that ?
You don't pay VAT on anything you've owned for 6 months or more.

Definitely ring around for several moving company quotes. When we moved from the US a few years ago we got a huge range of prices. You'll save a lot of money if you package and wrap your own furniture and box your possesions and load the container yourself. Alternatively pack up yourself and hire a local mover to load the container for you. Beware of companies that lowball you on the shipping rate then charge a fortune for packing materials (this happened to me -- very painful). If you are shipping a car it's sometimes better to go with a seperate company. Also you can save quite a few bob by driving the car to the port yourself (probably doesn't help you too much as you live in NY).

The one thing I would do differently the next time? I'd go with a bigger company and pay the extra few bucks.

Beware of outrageous insurance charges. It's a tough call but what are the chances of the ship sinking in reality?

Good luck with the move.