Wayne Rooney

Bet the "real" united fans are embarrassed about the death threats and balaclavas and banners outside his house now. Bloody embarrassment to the sport and to United.

It was disgraceful. That hooligan element known as "The Men in Black" are a disgrace to real fans. When they turned up at Rio's house a few years ago he actually came out and spoke to them!! Bloody brave of him.
Its hilarious how they seem to think United is so special and unique that market forces shouldnt apply. They took him from Everton, the club of his youth, but were all indignant when someone else offered cash to take him away.

Glad he's staying for his own sake, if he'd gone it could have been the start of a general slide. Hard to know how they get past what was said in the last few days, ambition found by Untd again???
Always said Rooney was a true genius and worth every penny of his £220,000 a week contract! Really is obscene money.
Back to OP, Yates is insufferable. Terrible broadcaster. Crennand not much better.
He'll be sold next summer. The contract extension just guarantees United a bigger transfer fee.

Makes sense.
Rooney still gets to move at end of season. Whatever his next club pay for him is not his problem. Buying club get him with CL eligibility.

At £180K per week for the rest of the season, how much is each goal or assist going to cost ManU ?
Makes sense.
Rooney still gets to move at end of season. Whatever his next club pay for him is not his problem. Buying club get him with CL eligibility.

If he was sold in January the only likely bidders would have been City. If they wait until next summer Real, Chelsea, etc. might join in the chase.

Ronaldo signed a 5-year contract extension with United in 2007 and 2 years later he was off to Madrid.
Dont understand the way fans of various clubs get emotional about players leaving.

Players are employees like anyone else. They are generally not emotionally attached to clubs the way fans are. Like any other employee, if they are unhappy, fancy a change or if they feel they can command a higher salary elsewhere, they will leave.

On the Rooney thing, I think his manager is advising him well - at this stage in his career, it is advisable to get the big pay day associated with a move to another club. In 2-3 years time, he may not be able to get as much money. All Rooney is doing is maximising his earnings.

His agent wanted his 15% and didn't give a damn about Rooney. See Collymore and Andy Cole who have had a very poor experience with the same agent.
A master stroke by Rooney to get his pay increase.
Repsonse from some of the fans and ex-man utd pundits was pathetic.
Shows how much they need him.
I would argue that Vidic handled it all a lot better and Rooney has come out of this very badly.
They took him from Everton, the club of his youth, but were all indignant when someone else offered cash to take him away.

And if my memory is correct, United only got involved after Newcastle made the first move and out-bid them.
I would argue that Vidic handled it all a lot better and Rooney has come out of this very badly.

Rooney certainly lacks credibility, but from what I can make out United were not willing to pay him what he thought he deserved and he put it up to them. They backed down, which seems to go against the "No person is bigger than the club" arguement.

I agree with previous posts - It is a crazy amount of money that in the end the fans pay for.
Makes sense.
Rooney still gets to move at end of season. Whatever his next club pay for him is not his problem.

That's not quite true. If he was coming out of contract, a new club could buy him relatively cheaply (as little as €5m if he'd stuck it out till the end of the season). The salary he could demand would be significantly higher as a consequence.

As it is now, any new club would have to pay a huge transfer fee - an amount that effectively could have been his.
I wonder what wages Rooney would be getting if he did not have such a poor world cup or he was not injury prone.

Wouldn't it be sad if fans didn't believe their club was special?

Fans get upset because they are emotionaly attached to their clubs and sport has a habit of losing all sense of logic. Players are not seen as just employees, they are built up as heroes and revered by the public, so not exactly like any other employee.

Rooney was well paid before he listened to any advice and surely the ability to live a luxurious lifestyle coupled with respect and admiration is better than getting a few extra zeros onto the end of your balance sheet.
It was just mentioned on the John Murray show, that the Rooneys are living it up in the Burj al Arab in Dubai. Wayne scoffing €30 plates of chicken nuggets and his missus downing pints of lager. Obvioulsy celebrating the many more millions he has extracted from his beloved club.

Or he could be on holiday with his wife celebrating his birthday.
Wayne scoffing €30 plates of chicken nuggets and his missus downing pints of lager. Obvioulsy celebrating the many more millions he has extracted from his beloved club.

That sounds like my 25th birthday except it was €3 plates of chicken nuggets