Way around buying something that requires a UK registered credit card?


Registered User
Does anyone know if there is any work around on the issue of having to have a UK registered credit card to buy certain items online ?

Has anyone successfully got around it by puchasing a pre pay UK based credit card?
Or if you want to avoid the fees coming with entropay you can look at www.ivobank.com which gives you a virtual mastercard and as they are a UK bank they actualy have a UK numbering.

Deposit can be done via a credit card/debit card or you can make a SEPA payment to it (you get an own IBAN numbers).

And if you have too much money on it you can actualy withdraw it for free too (via SEPA so it takes 3 days).

And that all for no fee unlike with entropay.
Thank you very much for those replies.Shark and Dublin Texas you both provided ideas I hadnt come across or thought of. I'll look into them both. If anyone has any other input it'll also be gratefully recieved.