Waxing unfinished pine doors


Registered User
I want to acheive that oldish worn looking pine and think after looking about that to wax the doors would give me that effect. Anyone ever done this? Was hoping to maybe to it myself - obviously with a bit of practise before. Anything I should be aware of? Any info would be most welcome as I am totally green about this! Maybe I should just put a clear varnish on the doors :D
I use Briwax with great success. It gives a lovely soft finish that can be polished up.

You can buy it in Lenihans in Capel St. It comes in various shades and I would recommend playing around with it on some scrap timber to get the look you want. It is easy to apply with a rag and you can use a little brush to dab it into hard to reach corners.

On the minus side, it has a very strong smell ( not unpleasant though) when you are applying it but that disappears after a day. So make sure you have good ventilation.

It will be quite a work out to apply it to doors.

Don't leave the rags lying around inside , air them outside and then dispose of them.
I'd second all above, Briwax is superb. However on bare , unsealed pine I think you'll find it laborious using wax alone to get a good finish. I'd seal all the doors with two coats of Danish oil rubbed in with a clean rag. Follow this with two applications of Briwax and you'll have a lovely finish. Danish oil is great for giving pine a mellow colour and will seal the wood and stop it soaking up too much wax.
Well, you are two gems! Thank you! Might take a bit of time but I reckon it will be worth it, once I don't go wrong along the way :eek: Thanks again guys ;)