Waterville, blanchardstown

Thanks for the links babe. Very useful... not a great area for amenities! The search continues.......
What type of amenities are you looking for?

Have you looked at both Ongar and Tyrrelstown as options?
Hi Damien
Not sure where in Waterville you're looking (it stretches a long way up Snugborough road at this stage) but I would have to disagree regarding amenities.
Any parts of Waterville near the front of the estate (accessible from the road to the hospital grounds rather than up the hill towards the business parks) are approx 9mins walk (10-12 for those who walk slowly) right to the centre of the village (Pubs, restaurants, nitelink, SQ doctors, banks etc etc) The development is beside the aquatic centre, across the bridge from the Blanchardstown S.C and Wespoint gym, has a brand new park & lake rather than even more apts etc) and walking through the grounds of the hospital brings you right to the other end of the village and only a further 5min walk from Castleknock train station. The bus services are frequent and up to 6mths ago took from 20-35 mins to the quays (depending on school holidays)
Anyway, obviously decisions are yours alone to make and there may be other reasons for the development not suiting but as someone who lived there for nearly 3 years I would have to dispute amenities or lack of them being an issue.
If you've any specific questions, feel free to ask. P.S My fiance used to drive from there to Grand Canal quay in under an hour if that's of any use as a guide.