


We are moving to Ireland, hopefully next month. We are looking to rent in Waterford, does anyone have any info on the area as a place to live and also schools, we have one seven year old boy and an 18month old girl. Any comments/advice would be gratefully received :)
I'm from Waterford but moved away. Missed it so much I'm moving back. Waterford is a really nice place to live with traffic being much lower then the other cities. There are lots of top quality schools. Renting is pretty easy and there are quite a few lovely homes available all year round and the cost of renting is very reasonable. If you have an 18 month old girl I'd advise you to try and decide if Waterford is where you want to live as quickly as possible as with most schools in Ireland you need to put her name on a list and they often fill up quickly. If you have any more queries don't hesitate to ask
I'm also from Waterford city. Living in dublin at the moment. Waterford is a great place to live. Traffic light, house prices very low due to over supply. Best place to live is out dunmore road. City looks very well. Schools wise I would suggest Ballygunner or St declans for the lil fellow and put your daughters name down for Ursuline or Ballgunner. Enjoy, I'd move back in a shot if they had more multinational Pharmaceuticals.

I don't actually live in Waterford but i know it very well and as cities go I agree with the other posters - there is a very good selection of schools, houses, restaurants, pubs, supermarkets etc. in Waterford. To get an idea of rental prices have a look in here
Thanks for the info, I've done a fair bit of research on the internet but these forums are great. We live in Leeds, UK at the moment and Waterford sounds/looks exactly the sort of place we are looking for :)
If you dont mind a 10 to 20 min commute in and out of the city then Tramore would also be a good place to look at. We have lived there for the last year and found it a nice quiet place but is still close enough to Waterford city as not to feel too remote.

Dunmore Road/Ardkeen is a nice area of the city with plenty of places to rent. The traffic can be a bit heavy in the mornnig and evening but nothing that bad compared to other towns and cities.

Here are some links that might help
- [broken link removed]
I am born and bred Déise, would move back in the morning if my wife would let me!!! As a proud 'Blaa' (you will get to know what that means when you move!) I think Waterford is a good place to live - it is not too big, not too small (around 45,000 people) with plenty to keep you busy there. It is getting better all the time, with infra structure improving (by pass at the Dunmore Road, although I think it's still busy bnut noting like Dublin / Cork), the new bridge over the river hopefull starting soon (this should easy access from Kilkenny / north of the river) and improvements to the airport on the cards (a fine airport, underused IMHO but that may change).

Deisce - have you looked at Genzyme on the industrial estate there? I think they have plans to expand further, just a thought....
Yeah I've looked at Genzyme. Waiting to build up my experience and promotion first. It would be nice to have a few other big Pharma there for safetys sake
Visited Waterford during the Tall Ships visit last July. Great place, great people. You'll be happy there I should think.
Waterford would be a very good place to live if you're planning on moving back to Ireland. Like most of the others Im from there myself but living in Dublin the last 8 years. Its a great spot, not too much traffic, plenty of good schools etc, good night life and the restaurant/cafe scene is getting better by the day.

There is a plentiful supply of schools, Ursline is the one I would recommend for the girl and for the young lad, Ballygunner or De La Salle are the 2 best.

Tramore have a good boys school although they are of have combined the 2 schools and are planning on moving it to the edge of teh town and building a brand new school. Not sure when that is going to happen though.
quinno said:
Deisce - have you looked at Genzyme on the industrial estate there? I think they have plans to expand further, just a thought....

I have a gang just after starting to cover the new block,steel still going up, It will run for the summer, probable be finished after Xmas.and you can't beat the blaa,