Waterford schools



We just moved to Waterford a few months ago. I've discovered (since returning to Ireland after working abroad for six years) that I have to put my kids on a waiting list for attendance at local schools. My three yr old will need to attend primary school in Sept 2008. In one school he is no 47 on a list which only accepts 27. What is the best way to go about getting him into a good school in the Williamstown/Grantstown/Dunmore Road area? I'm thinking of moving house maybe to Kilkenny to avail of schools in rural areas where there shouldn't be such lists, but as I work in Waterford, I don't want to add much to the commute. Any advice?
Are you particularly looking for a "rural" school ? Considering the very narrow area you have mentioned, the only primary schools are Ballygunner and the Gaelscoil in Ballygunner. I am assuming you work on the waterford city side and so do not want to travel as far as Faithlegg or Dunmore East. Have you looked at some of the larger schools further in the road, not co-ed however and you haven't said whether its a boys school or a girls school you are looking for. However a number of them, close enough to the Dunmore Road, have excellent reputations.
Not particularly looking for a rural school, just a good one (I have a preference for Gaelscoileanna); It's a boys or mixed school with good reputation I'm looking for. This issue is that he is not on any of the lists except for the Gaelscoil so far as we only decided a number of months ago to move to Waterford (I understand parents are almost putting children on school waiting lists as they leave hospitals these days!) I'm open to anyway to getting him in somewhere good for Sept 2008 without having to cross the city as I work on the Cork side of the city and use the Ring road to get to work. What schools are recommended? Do they all have such huge waiting lists? Am I wasting my time looking at Waterford schools at all do you think?
just a suggestion, but if you're working on the cork side and you use the ring road, Butlerstown school is that general direction?
The only other gaelscoil I am aware of closer to the city is Gaelscoil na Deise, but I'm afraid I don't know anything about it. Perhaps someone else on here can comment.

St. Declan's is one of the larger boys primary schools and is as far as I know still well regarded, although you might want to check class sizes as not sure what they are like now. There is also Waterpark, haven't heard anything about it recently but I think it now takes on more pupils so class sizes are larger.

I suppose particularly if you were looking at the 2 schools in Ballygunner, you would feel pretty cheesed off, but I know from speaking to people who actually live in the direct vicinity of the schools, they have had difficulties getting there children in there since the development of the Dunmore Road/Grantstown etc has gone so nuts.

There is a GaelScoil in Tramore. It's suppose to be very good. Tramore is an easy commute to Waterford City.

Good Luck

Celt Phoenix
Thanks for the tip. I was hoping for something closer to Waterford city but as we haven't bought a house yet (still renting), Tramore might yet be a viable option.