Water pressure problems in Stamullen, Co. Meath


Registered User
I've been having a problem with the water pressure in my house for the past week or so, some of the neighbouring estates have been without water for several hours per day.

Is anyone aware of these problems and the cause?

As usual, Meath Co. Co. didn't notify us and have no information on their website.

I did hear something on local radio last week that there were going to be problems with Meath's water supply (esp East Meath) due to the good weather....reducing the pressure as a form of rationing I suppose.
It's a disgrace. Last week the council said that the problem was due to a problem with a pump in Drogheda. A week on and I am boiling pots of water on the stove to get enough warm water to wash my hair. We have mains water but not enough to fill the tank hence not enough to run the shower, and limited water for flushing toilets/washing upstairs. This is going on a week now. The Fine Gael rep called around yesterday and he said that the issue is down to the dry weather/shortage in the reservoir and the council are turning off the water intermittently to preserve water. I wouldn't mind this if we had some notice. Every morning it's a guessing game to know whether there will be enough water for a wash before work. Apparently, there was a small ad in the Drogheda independent but I, like many others in Stamullen do not read that paper. As usual, there is no information forthcoming from the council - nothing on web etc. The amount of building going on in the area amazes me given that they can't service the people who already live there. I don't know if you were there for the two week cut off in March 06. Now that was fun....
Totally agree Danmo.

Meath Co. Co. have just put a notice on their website
[broken link removed]

Yeah Shane McEntee of FG was in Stamullen all day yesterday. It looks like the reservoir is not big enough for all the development in the area. Meath co-co continue to allow new development without addressing the issue first. The have not admitted that the problem is the reservoir.

The pressure has been reduced all along the coast.
What really irritates me is that the Council now have a recorded message on their "emergency" water phoneline asking "customers" to conserve water and not water your garden or wash your car. Isn't this like shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted? I can't flush my toilets and had to drive to my mother's for a shower this morning never mind put on a clothes wash. Why didn't they put these measures in place before??What's drives me mad also is I have no idea how long it's going to go on for. Yes, Shane McEntee strolled up to me on Monday in Whytes to introduce himself. He assured me that they would be "banging down the doors" of the council to resolves this but then admittted the council were simply switching off the water at intervals to conserve it rather than their being a problem with the pump in Drogheda which is what i was told this day last week ...