Water in foundations ????


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Hi Guy's
Our tiler finished tiling about aug/sept....
After he had finished the painter started ...About 3 weeks before xmas I notices all the paint in a certain area of the house peeling off the wall.
The wall was damp....
The tiler had loosened a fitting on the downstairs bathroom sink and a steam of water had been running down the pipe into the foundation since..The water seems to have settled on the plastic covering of the foundations

So I can only presume there is a huge puddle of water sitting on the foundations and the only way out is up along the walls..
From the outside of the house there is a water mark about 12 inches abouve the path..I presume the water is climbing up..

Should I just allow this to dry our or could it be more serious that that. ??
Is the water in the cavity? Look up 'weep holes'. Most builders don't put these in. Maybe you could get advice on drilling a few and fitting some sore of drainaway.