Water Filtration Systems


Registered User

We have a private well and until recently everything has been fine. I say until recently because our dishwasher went on the blink and we found that it was due to silt in the water nitake system. Now that we know this we ahve started to notice that the water is actually more silty looking than it used to be which leads me to believe that the walls of my well have slipped!

However, that's another issue! My qquery is relating to a filtration system and more precisely the cost of such a system. What I am thinking of is some type of in-line sediment filter at teh pump as oppposed to at each tap/appliance.

Anyone have any ideads or advice on this please?


Hi sueellen - thanks for that

Unfortunatelythey all relate to water softener type systems as opposed to an actual silt filter.
I have a kinetico system which has a filter on the input to the water softener.

I also have a drinking water filter system (Kinetico) which has a two stage filter -- 5 micron and then 1 micron. The quality (taste, colour, smell) of the water is excellent

Its a largish system but stilll fits under the sink but takes up a whole cabinet
Having problems with my own water (low pH). Been in contact with two companies-- acornwater.ie and aquaclear.ie(mad dutchman who talks a lot but seems to know his stuff). Both are supposed to call to me soon. Maybe you should check out their sites