Water filter system for office - best/tastiest one?


Registered User
hi all,

due to all this cryptosporidium business, our office has decided to get a water filter system installed.
I think we are likely to go with a filter rather than a cooler system (Ballygown etc.) as the ongoing cost of an outside supplier could be too high.

What I was wondering is this: Our regular tap water (before it got infected) was pretty nasty tasting - this seems to be the case in most parts of Galway, the water is just not nice. If we get a filter system put in to remove all the bad stuff, will it improve the taste of the water any bit?

Can anyone recommend a good company to deal with in relation to water filter systems?

thanks very much
We use a company called All Water Systems. I don't have a number but Google them. We have a system that cools and filters water from the mains.
Hi - to reactivate this discussion - does anyone have up to date recommendations for office water filter system.