Water filter in Samsung fridge


Registered User
I have a side by side Samsung fridge with water outlet. I have connected these to the mains. In the fridge there is an actual filter for the water. The water tastes different than the water from the tap and not in a positive way. Does anyone else have similar experiences ? Does anyone know whether I can just remove the filter ?
Have you checked the manual? Do you really need to filer your tapwater at all?
If it is new you are supposed let a few liters of water run through. If it is old a new filter might be needed. If this is the internal filter I think you can removed (unscrew) it and the water still works. BTW the filters are very expensive!!

I know the filters are very expensive. That plus the bad taste of the water made me wonder if you need a filter at all. The manual (of course) does not say anything about the use of the fridge without the filter.I'll remove it in the next few days and see if it gets better.