Water Charge "free allowance" calculation single people penalised again!!



I see on the Indo that people are fretting that people with families / children will be overly penalised for water charges if it is calculated by the house meaning that those with larger amounts of people in the house pay more, but surely that is the whole point, let those who use more pay more.

Single people never seem to get any sort of break and are constantly being expected to stump up for those who have larger families.

Enough I say, if you chose to have a large family pay up for them. It said people with large families would never stand for the single person next door paying the same flat rate as them but if they are the ones using the most water because they choose to have a large family then they SHOULD pay for it. Its always the same, medical expenses 144 a month for the single person and the exact same for a two income family with ten children. Hotel rooms are for the most part ridiculously priced for the single person!
Holidays ---forget it.

I'm sick of single people having to pay as if they were responsible for everyone else.:mad:

So a single person living in a 1200 Sq ft house would get the same allowance as a family of 4 living in a 1,200 Sq ft house under your system.

If you are claiming that on the basis that each individual in the house been given an allowance of free water is discriminating against single people perhaps you could explain it to me on a technical level.

As for the rest of your rant it is a fact that families need support as the children have no income.
Right now it's still not decided with the company in charge wanting to base this on the size of the house and the minister wanting something else because he fears that if this goes ahead with size of the house instead of size of the family he lose votes from families (2) rather than from the single (1) and that what's he looking after, the potential votes.

Let's face it most decisions these days are based on which option is losing the least votes and has does politically not look too bad.

So there is going to be an U-turn shortly with the new solution being either based on the size of the occupier or some muddle of both solutions.

And insofar mugga has a point, it's not fair that a single (who pays all dues on the house alone) has less entitlement that a family which shares the burden.
I agree that the state favours families over single income people, just as they favour lower income people over higher income people in the taxation system. That’s why a small proportion of high earners pay the bulk of the income tax.
If you are going to take issue with this then why pick water charges?
I would think that the €2 billion a year, made up in part with your taxes, that the state gives out in non-mean tested welfare to rich and poor alike in the form of children’s allowance would cause you more concern.
The state favours families over single people, poor over rich, rural over urban, elderly over young, sick over healthy. It is a way of redressing or partially redressing the imbalances that occur in life.

By the way, why on earth should a hotel charge less if one person is taking up a room rather than two?
Waste charges penalise families. All done on a weight basis now and nappies fill a bin very quickly I can tell you
By the way, why on earth should a hotel charge less if one person is taking up a room rather than two?

My interpretation of that was that the OP is venting about the single supplement, where the single traveller pays more for the room.

Anyway, the OP is citing the Indo as a source, so I stopped taking the post seriously after that.
Waste charges penalise families. All done on a weight basis now and nappies fill a bin very quickly I can tell you

How does that penalise families? You pay for the extra rubbish that having a family creates compared to someone living by themselves. That's the whole point.
How does that penalise families? You pay for the extra rubbish that having a family creates compared to someone living by themselves. That's the whole point.

No allowances made for families on waste charges...but they're looking at doing so for water charges.
Families have more non-paying units than singletons in shared accomm for example!