Watch and ring


Registered User
On the off chance that the owner might be reading this, my husband found a watch and ring (intertwined) in a parking lot of a shopping centre during the past week. The items may not be of great monetary value, but because they were intertwined I got the distinct impression they may be of sentimental value (belonging to a loved one for example?). Hopefully they can be reunited with their owners. If they are yours, you may send me a private email and please give a good description of the items.
Long shot too but I saw a notice stuck up on a wall in North King Street/Brunswick Street the other evening offering a reward for anybody who found an engagement ring just in case that might be of relevance here (doubt it) or to anybody else reading.

Maybe we need a "lost and found" forum?
Thanks Clubman - this ring isn't engagement though. A lost & found forum might be an idea all right.
Have you informed the local Garda station that you found these items (maybe people would go there to see if they had been handed in?)
Yeah - I have managed to repatriate stuff that I've found over the years via the lost and found notices in the newspaper.
Bloke in dunlaoire rang my wife a couple of weeks ago to say he'd found my phone in a cab the week before and worked out who owned it from reading the texts. He deliberately didnt hand it to the cabbie after having lost phones himself in cabs and never got them back.
When I recovered the phone from him in his place of work I left a little pressie to say thanks. Im sure good karma will be good to him.

He and other people here are restoring my faith in humanity.