Waste of delivering 9,000,000 pages in Irish language

So you do not think it a "Waste delivering the 9,000,000 pages in Irish language " , along with all the other govt publications printed twice ? What about all the trees / paper / ink / enegy / fuel used delivering them ? If people wanted to read Irish lasnguage, they could buy Irish language newspapers or magazines ....and I have never seen anyone do that.
(by the way, Irish language newspapers seem to sell pretty well in my local shop............)

Surely not Jock04 - imagine that - the fact that certain posters have never seen anyone buy these should be enough to be able to draw the conclusion that the language is a waste of time and effort (not to mention a shameful waste of money) ... shouldn't it?

Not at all. Its our language and heritage and should be protected & preserved. Its an anti-Irish language issue you have and nothing more. Why not decrease the font size on the English pages to save paper ink etc.... That argument could be thrashed out to no end, whatever language and what ever the content of the document. If people wanted to read English they could buy newspapers or magazines but this isnt about wanting to read Irish or English. Its a government publication in both our official languages. Just because people were too lazy to learn their native language or have any sense of national pride in who we are doesnt mean we should bury it.
by the way, Irish language newspapers seem to sell pretty well in my local shop............

Really? I have been in every county in Ireland over many decades and never saw anyone at a newsagents buying one. I never heard anyone speaking Irish either, except the odd phrase in the middle of a sentence like "cupla focall". Let those who want to speak it do so. I think, like most people I know, that spending so much money on govt publications in Irish is scandalous, when people are on hospital trolleys etc
Just because people were too lazy to learn their native language or have any sense of national pride in who we are doesnt mean we should bury it.

so you think people like me are / were lazy, or do not have national pride. Next you will say we are not really Irish !
Really? I have been in every county in Ireland over many decades and never saw anyone at a newsagents buying one. I never heard anyone speaking Irish either, except the odd phrase in the middle of a sentence like "cupla focall".

Maith thú coinín, you've just proven the point Jock04, bullbars and myself have been trying to point out - your issue is a problem with the Irish language, nothing to do with waste of taxpayers money agus anois tá sé cruthaigh agat fhéin.
Not at all. I merely pointed out how little Irish is actually used ...to show the absurdity of wasting so much money and energy on printing everything twice....not to mention the cost to the environment.
Not at all. I merely pointed out how little Irish is actually used ...to show the absurdity of wasting so much money and energy on printing everything twice....not to mention the cost to the environment

So to summarise, spending money on the publication of government literature in Ireland is a threat to the environment and is also partly responsible for the lack of hospital beds.

so you think people like me are / were lazy, or do not have national pride. Next you will say we are not really Irish !

I don't know where your from, but half the planet seems to be Irish, its only the actual occupants that seem to have a problem which lies close to embarrassment when it comes to our rich heritage. If you have indeed national pride, you would look at all elements that are fundamentally Irish with pride and our native language is definitely that.
So to summarise, spending money on the publication of government literature in Ireland is a threat to the environment and is also partly responsible for the lack of hospital beds.

lol who said that ? Doubling the quantity of printed paper adds up to a hell of a lot of trees, ink and energy / distribution costs. That is my point. I am a taxpayer the same as you. Like most people in this country, I never read Irish. Certainly not Irish junk mail. If there was a demand for same do you not think someone other than the govt would be doing it too ? Or is it just taxpayers money you like to see wasted ?
lol who said that ? Doubling the quantity of printed paper adds up to a hell of a lot of trees, ink and energy / distribution costs.

Yes so you are saying printing these irish publications is environmentally unfriendly.

Certainly not Irish junk mail
What you should have said was 'like most people I never read junk mail' what has irish got to do with it.

Or is it just taxpayers money you like to see wasted ?

I've said already that I feel the entire publication is a waste and i would rather they spend the money on teaching the language properly so that hopefully in 20 years the next generation can have their arguments in both languages!

We live in Ireland. Irish is this countrys first official language.

Of course - publications have to be available in Irish.

I would have a personal preference for services being available in Irish over publications.

But - as a method of saving money - we could utilise public libaries more so people can go and get information. Mailing out stuff is a bit old fashioned.
Yes so you are saying printing these irish publications is environmentally unfriendly.

What you should have said was 'like most people I never read junk mail' what has irish got to do with it.

You did not read what I wrote
"Doubling the quantity of printed paper adds up to a hell of a lot of trees, ink and energy / distribution costs. That is my point. I am a taxpayer the same as you. Like most people in this country, I never read Irish. Certainly not Irish junk mail. If there was a demand for same do you not think someone other than the govt would be doing it too ? Or is it just taxpayers money you like to see wasted ?" The US govt could print all its literature and publications and everything it prints in native American as well as English, and double its quantity of print as well, and that would be a waste too.

If there was a demand for junk mail in the Irish language there would be more than the Irish govt - paid by you and me - doing it.
Or is it just taxpayers money you like to see wasted ?"

By not printing material in the first language of this state - this does not eliminate the massive inefficency in our public sector.

Surveys carried out indicate that there is massive support for the language.

One of Brian Cowens aims is the Irish Language.

We should expect a world class bi-lingual public sector.

By not printing material in our first language would be a slur on us as a nation.

English is this country's 2nd official language.

What political support have any moves not to print material in Irish?

By not printing material in the first language of this state - this does not eliminate the massive inefficency in our public sector.
Who decided that Irish is the 'first language' of the State? It should be English, because more people speak it.

Surveys carried out indicate that there is massive support for the language.
And now I'm waiting for someone to dissect my posts and correct my english...it's really not worthwhile making a grammatical correction on AAM 'cause it generally comes back to bite you on the...