Waste Charges by Weight - Anti Family ?


Thanks "unregistered user" for getting to the point.If adults who are in the full control of their mind can't control their natural drive to multiply their genes -for what so ever reasons-than they should bear the full consequences.The average European toddler will have used 1.5 truckloads of disposable nappies till it has reached the age of 18 month.To produce these-not to transport them or "recycling" them-the equivalent energy in kilowatts matches the energy use of an 18 year old African person in his whole lifetime .Food for thought.
Guess who of them gets the public to subsidies his lifestyle...
Re: waste/anti-family?

Paying by weight is Anti-Family !!
(ignore the nappy issue )

Kids have to eat etc. so more garbage is generated

Now what is the disadvantage of having less family
It is called economics

Children of this generation pay for debts of the older
generation ... that includes the people that have
no kids ;->

(Suppose that you can say the same
about garbage!!!)

there is balance and paying by weight is extreme

If you want a good example ...Look at Japan where
population is on a decrease & debts are building up
The state pays a subsidy to people who have kids in the form of children's allowance which surely ameliorates the alleged anti-family bias of "by weight" waste charges?
So give the money in one hand and take it out of
the other
Essentially Lets cancel children allowance
Hand it to the Local Council!!

You`re missing the point
Anti-Family charges are not good for the future of the country

I think YOU'RE missing the point. Child benefit is paid by the state to ameliorate some of the additional costs to parents of having children. One of these additional costs might be increased refuse charges. I can't imagine that any council currently charges €132 per month in refuse charges so it's incorrect to say that the child benefit disappears on this expense alone.
Good luck if you think 132 ameliorate some of the cost

BTW I`m not living in Ireland but have family(so no
children allowance)

What I`m saying :
We need the government to have a policy where the
young is in the majority .
If people view these stealth taxes as anti-familly , they`ll
either have no children or 1-2

30-50 years down the road , our short-sightness will
be part of history
Waste charges

I live in Fingal and am happy with the system here.
We pay €5 per black bin and the green bin is free.

When i seperate my rubbish i only put out the black bin once every 2 weeks.

This system is fair, but what gets my goat up is that no sooner have i accepted this system (and believe that i am paying a fair price for the amount of waste i dispose of) than a new system is already in the works to make me pay MORE than i pay now for my waste.

Watch and see. The system works very well now, but the new systemwill just add more money to the councils coffers. There is not a hope in hell that any 'improved' system will be brought in to make the charge cheaper to the consumer. Is just another way to get MORE money out of you.

Why cant they just leave it alone, the way it is.

One more thing. I believe that the whole country should be charged as we are. Its a fair price to pay. But can you honestly see another county council who get €500 or €600 a year from fixed waste charges, then chargeing by volume. Not a chance i would think. They would lose too much easy money.

People who pay fixed waste charges are getting ripped off. There should be a law aginst it.