Wasps: How come so few of them this year?


Over the last four to five years we seem to have been overrun with plagues of wasps in August/September.

But this year there seems to be no wasps at all. Does any one know why?

That very question was asked in the Irish Times on Saturday. Michael Viney, who is very knowledgeable about these things, wrote that he had no explanation. So, there ya go.
There was a nest of the effers at my mother's house in 'tarf.

That lot were nuked last week.
Judging by the violent feelings and requests for information on how to wipe wasps off the face of the earth frequently encountered on AAM over the past three years it's not surprising they've become rare! It's to the loss of people who attack these valuable and hardworking creatures who do so much 'cleaning up' of garden debris and assist the breaking-down of old plant tissue and wood.

My garden is full of them; they get on with their business, I get on with mine.
I heard before that wasps can sense fear? Is this an urban myth? cos they always approach me. I have a phobia of wasps. Phobia of wasps can be defined as follows: "When you go back into a beer garden on a fine summer's day with a tray of 5 pints for your mates, a wasp flies near the tray, and you make an entirely rational (IMHO) decision to drop the tray on the ground, go back into the bar, order another 5 pints and tell your mates they can come inside if they want one."

That's what I did. sigh.
Highly irrational, captain podgerodge ... does not compute. Seek help immediately (or get out of the 'rounds' game... :D )

@Marie: I share your 'pragmatic' views on these industriously benign little critters. But I can also appreciate the plight of parents of young kids who might (just) have allergic reactions, etc. One of my own had to be rushed to casualty following a sting on the neck, a couple of years ago. Apparently, she would have died of asphyxiation — swelled throat, airpipe closed... — if we hadn't got her there as quick as we did.

So — when in doubt — the 'phone-book method' sounds good to me...
I read in one of the Irish newpapers (I think) several months ago that we could much expect fewer wasps this year. The reason (I think) was that we had a spell of weather (possibly a long-ish dry spell, possibly a wet spell: I really can't remember the specifics) at a particular time which was not particularly friendly to their breeding cycle.

I am sorry I can't remember more - really, I suppose I just wanted to make the point that the wasp shortage was anticipated and explained by at least one writer.

If anybody is interested enough, they may be able to track down the article (Farmers Journal or Farm Supplement of Indo might be the source)
no loss. lets hope for more of whatever caused their demise.
I love nature and all that but I have an alergic reaction to wasp stings and spent a week in hospital at 10 years old with my entire body swollen to double its size, so I have been thrilled at the distinct lack of their presence this year. It was the first year that I can remember (probably ever) that I could go to barbecues, eat outside, read outside, really enjoy my gardening, sit in a beer garden etc ....

I know rationally that if I sit still when ones comes near me, that they will probably go away but it's just not a chance that I'm prepared to take so I just stop going outside when they are about. It's one thing running around screaming like a headless chicken in your own backyard, but unlike podgeandrodge, some of us have our dignity to protect in more public places :) :)

Am I unusual in never having been stung by a bee or a wasp in my life? Neither of them bother me and I try not to bother them.
Nope you are not unusual, in that regard anyway (see robot Clubman post). I have never been stung either, although I do tend to swish them away from my jam sandwiches!!
I had a nest in my garden last year. Underground beside my fence. Their flightpath was directly across the middle of my garden. To get rid of them I started off by hosing them for several hours. Didn't work. I then purchased some smokebombs in the joke shop to try and smoke them out. Didn't work. I poured lavender perfume over them. Didn't work. I covered them with my unused teabags and bags of pebbles. Didn't work. In the end it was the cold weather that got them.
I think ant killer works ok. my neighbour had a nest and he covered the area around it with ant power and said if one carried it in it would kill the rest. dont know if it was the powder or weather with did the trick. only time i enjoyed wasps was at a beer garden a few years ago. nastly little *u*k*r* wouldnt stay away so when I had finished a pint I spilled a little out on the table. then when they 'walked' up to it I put the glass over them. Sad :eek: I know. But :) fun.