Was a Grant Aid Scheme announced for renewables like Wood Pellet Burners?


Registered User
Hi All,

I noticed the Budget has introduced Excise Relief for Biofuels.

However I recently enquired about purchasing a Wood Pellet Burner and the vendor told me to wait as this budget has announced a Grant Aid Scheme.

I've contacted both the Revenue and the Dep Of the Envir but no reply.

Is anybody aware of such a grant?
Re: Was a grant aid scheme announced for Wood Pellet Burners?

Ha - maybe Big Brother Bertie is monitoring this site but I got a reply from the Dept of the Envir.

By April (this year I hope) it will be decided what renewable energies will be grant-aided e.g. wood pellet, solar.

The dept will contact all people who have enquired (via email so its best if you phone them with your email address) as to what grants and grant types are available.

I'll be plesantly surprised if a) I'm actually contacted and b) if the civil service springs into action that quickly
Re: Was a grant aid scheme announced for Wood Pellet Burners?

UpTheBanner said:
I'll be plesantly surprised if a) I'm actually contacted and b) if the civil service springs into action that quickly
Why the surprise? They answered your initial query on the same day that you sent it didn't they? I don't understand the bit about phoning in your email details though!
Re: Was a grant aid scheme announced for Wood Pellet Burners?

Im moving this from 'Budget 2006' to 'Homes and Gardens' which recieves more traffic.


I emailed them several times after the Budget - so a turnaround time of weeks to answer a simple query would not be tolerated where I work.

Upon recepit of their answer I phoned them and the person I spoke to said that anybody who enquires via telephone should leave an email address for future correspondence.
[FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif] From the Budget Speech 2006

It looks like the [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Dept for Communications, Marine and Natural Resources is the relevant department.

It is not unusual for several months to elapse between such an announcement and the commencement of the scheme.

I note that the speech makes no mention of solar or geothermal. Only [/FONT][/FONT][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]biofuels, combined heat and power, biomass commercial heaters and domestic renewable heat grants are mentioned explicitly.[/FONT][/FONT]

half of that money has been earmarked for a grant to eircom to do 300 exchanges for DSL so apply real early (before end april) before they run out of cash
And we were wondering what the ministry for communication had to do with energy suply ........
Mr. Dempsey made some more announcements, like that they would use the German system of paying a certain fee for every kwh from reneables fed into the grid to everyone who does so . It was on the German TV, radio and in the papers last year. But was never done.
Talking cheap is also some form of communication.
2004 was envisaged to get my area to broadband standard, rubbish. The poles are falling down, 4 days I was last week without landline phone .......
half of that money has been earmarked for a grant to eircom to do 300 exchanges for DSL

How much I wonder is going to the other broadband suppliers?, like cable, satalite and wireless.
Guys can we keep the discusssion to the proposed "Grand Aid Scheme for Renewables"?

energy grants

Check out they will have info on renewable energy grants shortly, but don't hope for much. I have installed a wood pellet burner since March 05 best thing I ever did output 25kw and a wood burning stove in the living room 8kw. Since Sept 05 I have put solar panels on the roof they have averaged 25deg C in the bottom of a 300lt tank in Dec. During Sept up to Oct I was getting 50 to 70deg C. This week water temp in the bottom of the hot water cylinder is between 35-40deg C. Bring on the summer. Stay away from European wood pellet burners they are over priced as these countries get large grants. Check out
[broken link removed]
[broken link removed] or .com
and the Firecentre, Dean ST. Kilkenny
Can you clarify if you have any vested interest in or relationship with the sites/businesses linked above please?
No vested interest in these sites or companies but I spent two years looking for value for money when building my new home. Every penny counts when I started out there was no info to be got and I hope my knowledge will save others wasting their time. Heres another site i found for all those eco friends out there check out the first IRISH BUILT PELLET BURNER [broken link removed]
OK - thanks. You can understand that we have to be cautious about recommendations from newly registered posters.
There is very little ash from the burner. I would burn about 125Kgs of pellets a week and the amount of ash would be 1/2Kg (almost nothing). The wood ash contains no glues etc its all natural so I spread it on the garden it just contains minerals.