Things stabilised. The prices are still high in comparison to average income, but they won't drop because of three things:
1) Poland didn't go into recession. We had growth, there was a slow down, but now we started growing again (last 3 months 3,1% GNP growth). Banks already started to lower the margin on mortgages.
2) Polish government decided to subside first buyers (for first 8 years, government pays 50% of interest to the bank)
3) Poland is a big country and there is a still not enough properties to fill the market. Developers stopped working on many projects in 2009, so oversupply that was in 2007-2009 will be gone by next year.
I'd say prices will be stable for the next 2 years, then maybe they will start to grow again but not as rapidly as we saw in years 2004-2007