Warren Buffets Private Messages


Registered User
I have been getting a number of private messages to my AAM inbox since I made my announcement wrt giving away all my billions :)

Here are some samples:

I have been listening to the news and I have always had a dream of what I would do if I had billions of dollars, you have in your power to make alot of people wealthy, good people, who work hard for a living, that go to work every day to pay the bills, who deserve a break in life, I would like my life to be more, I wish I could help people make their dreams come true, I am right now starting my own cleaning company and I plan to make my workers a good living, pay them good money to work for me, because I know they are hard workers and the job they will be doing is not easy work, but someone has to do it and I would like to see them do better. You could do this for people. I see so much money sent away to other countries, from our government, I think we need to take care of our people, no one should have to work so hard day after day, just to live. Make my dream come true please! My name is Sharon Skidmore, my # is xxxxxx

And another one:

Mr Buffet, lynette here from australia, 5 years ago i started a business from scratch, with minimal equipment and finances. today i have 3 full time staff 3 casuals,$70.000.00 (aust) of gear on hire and much more equipment than i began with so far i have managed to keep debt very low in the business,and with little education and sheer persistance,i have got the business to a stage that i now need assistance or good advice and direction about how to make the rest of my dream a reality. and would like to know if you would be interested in helping me i am not looking for money i just figure that if i'm going to ask for help it may as well be from the top. the worst you can say is no.Thank you for taking the time to read this note. best wishes and sorry to hear about your wife on the news.

BTW Thanks for the thread congratulating me on my charity - I feel truely humbled. :eek:

I thought the first one was spam that was sent to everyone registered on AAM but when i got the second one it clicked with me......

Honest to god, how could someone really think that Warren Buffet, the billionaire investor, posts on an internet financial forum using his own real name as his username????

(Or then again, i could be pulling an outrageous double bluff!!)
How does 50% of nothing sound?

Really was surprised at the fact that I received a request like this. I checked google and it is not easy to get a link to a post by me here on AAM..... Imagine how many requests the genuine Warren Buffett and his various companies must get!

Has taught me one lesson though - if i ever win the lotto i wont do a Dolores McNamara on it and go public!
Are you jealous that Bill Gates has more money than you and is it true that you both play bridge for 1$ when playing each other.
WarrenBuffet said:
Honest to god, how could someone really think that Warren Buffet, the billionaire investor, posts on an internet financial forum using his own real name as his username????
Indeed. Naturally I, I mean he, would use something less obvious...
Actually it's not that hard to find you: google search has your profile on the first page of results.
Has taught me one lesson though - if i ever win the lotto i wont do a Dolores McNamara on it and go public!

Don't think she had a choice - isn't it part of the conditions of the euro lotto.

Wouldn't put you off playing :rolleyes: but it would be a pain in the proverbial if you won and everyone knew about it
I think you do get the option of anonymity, but as far as I recall someone in the pub sold the story and photos for about Eu16k!
But yeah, I'll keep my mouth shut and head down (counting my winnings), WHEN my numbers come in.

I wonder if any of the letter that go to lotto winners ever do pay off? Do you think anyone ever reads them, and sends a cheque?
gramlab said:
Don't think she had a choice - isn't it part of the conditions of the euro lotto.
I think they prefer it if the winner goes public, but you have the right to your anonymity. In her case, she checked her ticket at the local pub with a group of friends. One of the friends starts screaming "You've won, you've won!!" and everyone in the pub knew she'd won. Someone then blabbed to the press.
Is that a real phone number? Perhaps you should edit it, lest some 419-scammer rings them up to give them the good news!