wardrobe fitters costs


Registered User
im geting wardrobes in 2 rooms from in-house.ie the prices droped from 4800 quot to another down to 3600 euros from the same list prices out of the sky has any one out there got in-house.ie wardrobes what they like

I know they seem ubiquitous but have you considered IKEA? Their wardrobes are amazingly flexible in terms of layout and fittings.

The one thing I would never do again is assemble it myself, particularly the 'extra' high ones. IKEA will assemble it (for a charge obviously) & if I were to do it again, I'd definitely pay them.

A friend of mine has had built in wardrobes fitted in the house for three bedrooms for something in the region of €6,000.

Personally I think that is completely insane money. The IKEA wardrobe above cost me c.€600 (doors are the most expensive item) and I haven't heard the clothes complain yet! :)
Recently bought a kitchen from Kitchen World on the Long Mile Road and also got a fitted wardrobe from them.

Recommend you go into them and get a quote. (Ask for Michelle, she is very helpful). Depending on the size of the wardrobes, you should get two wardrobes for below the €3k mark.