ward of court


dontknow yet

If i apply for a relation to be made a ward of court, because he needs money to pay for his nursing home fees, will the ward sell all his assets i.e farm or would they apply for permission to sell sites rather than sell the lot. Do they take much notice of what the petitioners wishes are or do they just do their own thing.
The petitioners apply to be made the committee of the ward of court and it is the committee who has the power to realise the assets etc.
Thank you for your reply Vanilla, would anyone know if it is a big responsibility to be on the committee, or if one is better off steering clear of it and letting the ward of court look after things?
The ward of court is the person who cannot manage their own affairs anymore. The committee is usually one person appointed by the Court to look after the wards interests. It certainly is a big committment. Wardship is a cumbersome arrangement. Everytime you want to deal with an asset you must petition the court. You have to file accounts every year. You are in charge of taking care of this persons affairs and must be seen to do so. It's been a while since I have dealt with a ward of court ( thankfully) but I still remember the pain of the awful form filling and red tape that went along with it. Like lots of other things there are proposals to reform it to come in line with the new enduring powers of attorney type affairbutwe wait with bated breath. Perhaps you should either consult a solicitor for a consultation on what it entails before applying to become a committee.
Thanks again Vanilla for your time to respond and for your info.