My friends Marys question..
Marys mum( dad Passed On ) has just been made a ward of court by Marys siblings. Marys mum has a farm that Mary has farmed for 25 years and although Mary also minded the Mum, it appears that Marys siblings want to get her off the farm allthough they never wanted anything to do with this farm until recently ( value of farm increased recently )
Marys solicitor is saying that Mary does not need to be on the committee because if Mary has to contest any will ( if she is left nothing ) it is better if she is not on the committee. Mary is not gready but she has never worked anywhere else since she was 15 and has no real education as she did not complete any exams, as she left school early to work this land for her mum, so she may have to contest the will, to enable her to survive.( mary has kids to support )
Now Mary may be left the farm, which means the other family members will contest the will. She understands all that and she understands that whatever happens happens
But at present
Mary just wants to know ...should she go on the committee or should she not go on the committee ?