Ward of Court for married couple



Just want to describe a situation friends of mine are in (an elderly couple),
He is in hospital with a stroke and as a result has no speech, partial paralysis, and some cognitive difficulties (not easy to find full extent due to the lack of communication). The wife has applied through a solicitor for power of attorney over their finances. The solicitor has since written back to say unfortunately the stroke victim’s finances has gone to Ward of Court, but they can appeal it.
I’m not too sure what this means for a married couple.
Has anyone experience of this or what its implications are?
Many thanks
I think it means that the poor gentleman who is ill is not deemed compos mentis enough to sign the document granting power of attorney to his wife, therefore he must be made a ward of court.

There is the possibility that he will recover, a lot of stroke victims do, so at some point in the future he may be able to sign the poa and the wards of court order might be revoked.

Some of the legal eagles on here might know more or better indeed!