Ward of Court for child


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Our child was awarded a significant sum of money through court, June 08 and process for ward of court began as was recommended by medical professionals.

I am aware of the process - ie 2 medical reports to support the need for being made a ward, and then a medical report from a high court doctor. We are still awaiting the 3rd appointment, despite our chasing our solicitor to hurry up! (As we need access to funds for our child).

Then the 3 reports must go to the high court, with our legal team for approval.

Anyone experienced this - how long does this process take, usually?
Im completely frustrated at the length of time that this is taking.
sorry to hear about your child but are you sure ward of court is way to go. don't know how long these legal proccess take but i do know that if you buy a packet of sweets a recipt must be obtained,i believe it is a nightmare senario, but it may be best for your personal circumstances. as you said medical professional recommended it but is it best for ye
Im not altogether sure whether its the best thing or not - medicals suggest it is - and from our point of view, if our child had any control of money, there would be high powered car bought, money spent on rubbish our child would literally do whatever.... so from that point of view... we decided for it.
How old is the child? Surely if under 18 then you are the legal trustees and can manage the funds until he comes of age?

I have done one before and it took 3 months. Longest part is getting the medicals from the GP
Child is now 18 yrs - Ive just got word of the final medical apt for this week. Any ideas how long from here?
Courts are off line at the end of this month and are not back until 5th Oct. All depends when you get your application in and given a date (normally 1-2 months after papers into Wards of Court office) Must take into account the upcoming court vacation though.
I could be wrong here, so check with your solicitor.

Instead of making child a Ward, you could set up a trust for his benefit, where the trustees would be responsible for disbursing the funds. I understand that however complicated it would be to set up, it can be easier to manage.
Am responding late for benefit of others in my position -

Wardship is granted. Aug 09. Met with Case officer, very kind, supportive lady, who expressed her trust in us as parents, based on history she had. Explained our childs situation and she willing to work with us in best interest of our child.

Wardship for a child is very do-able, I cant believe it! I expected awful things - like paperwork, receipts, accountability. I will keep my records for my case officer and my child, (who will not be in wardship for ever) - simply because I feel I should since Im spending (in childs benefit) the money awarded.

Once we're straight with wards office, they are straight too. Im v glad we did this. Hope this helps someone else, sometime. Thank you.