Wanted: Tips on cleaning windows


Registered User
Hi finished building a new house and want to clean the windows for the first time... windows are covered in stickers, plaster splashes and bits of paint from painting interior.... anyone know of any good product that i could buy to clean them?
Also when you take off the sticker on the glass it leaves a mark where the sticker used to be. Any tips of how to remove this mark? Some told me i need razor blade!
My husband got dead bugs off his car windscreen with Cillitt bang last night.
Brought it up lovely too!
dab the stickers marks with vinergar. leave for a while. come back and wipe with cloth and hot water.
you can buy a creamic hob scraper in hardware shops it is very good at removing paint/plaster/stickers in fact anything that is "stuck" to the glass
Ask in a builders providers - I know of UPVC fitters leaving some simple razor blade type devices for this very problem. I would second the vinegar suggestion too.
A Stanley window scraper (use carefully with new, sharp blades only) will remove stickers and most other residues from glass. Use white spirit to remove any residual adhesives from stickers. Wash the windows with warm water and some window cleaner (windoleen or W5), finish off with a squegee. Newsprint will polish up the glass for a sparkling finish.
When using the scraper on the window, make sure that the window is wet. If it is dry, your are more inclined to scrape or damage the window.
Try nail varnish remover. I used for stickers, masking tape etc. and did great job.
had windows replaced last year - johnsons baby oil did the trick perfect. Just dab it on leave for a minute and use a razor or other blade to remove goo.