Wanted - Desktop SMS App

Old Jim

Registered User
Does anyone know if such an application exists that automates the process of logging into the vodafone website to send SMS messages?
It would be handy if you could just type your message and recipient and click send into a little app that sits on your desktop.
- Says it is not free, but can't find pricing
- Appends "Sent by Textbuddy" to each message
- Couldn't get it to work, just says "checking licence"

Full marks for effort though!
There is a program I got from Boards.ie

The site is down at the mo due to upgrading but check this link later

[broken link removed]

It does exactly what you require and you choose your network and add your numbers in etc

I have it on my laptop and dont have to go to the vodafone website to send texts

THe boards site is back up, but your link is not working. Any chance you could check it or give details of where we can get the application ?

- Says it is not free, but can't find pricing
- Appends "Sent by Textbuddy" to each message
- Couldn't get it to work, just says "checking licence"

Full marks for effort though!
Textbuddy works good for me. If my message is short, I just hold the space bar until the message exceeds 143 or so charachters, leaving no room for the "Sent with Textbuddy" message! ;)