Want to hand back keys on investment property

Best advice is to keep the Bank advised on what you intend doing. Let them know your financial position and that you will co-operate with a volunary repossession of the property. (effectively this means that you will co-operate in the sale of the property & should avoid any Court proceedings). When you are established in the 2nd property write to Certus and advise them that it is now your family home and that you will co-operate in paying what you can afford in line with MARP requirements.
Hi, just thought I would give an update. I have found a wonderful solicitor who is well used to dealing with the banks regarding property issues. On his advice and all who replied here I will be moving back into the rental property. He has written to PTSB and advised them that I am willing to sell the property I am currently in providing they write off any remaining balance if the property sells. (Given current personal situation, they won't have much choice, I hope). Although it isn't really what I want, I know that if I don't, PTSB will repossess. (The solicitor is not going to charge me untilI feel that I can afford to pay something - what a nice man!) I have now stopped paying them and making the full interest only on rental propety. Many thanks to all of you for your honest and sound advice, it is heartwarming to see that people will offer their time and expertise to others in touble . Will let you know what PTSB say. Thanks again
Well it's great to get some good news, and it's nice to hear that a kind solicitor is helping you out. There was another thread on here about how a solicitor, in Cork I think, managed to negotiate with the bank for a client.