Want to end days as a farmer but costs too much to buy here: EA to find UK farmland


Registered User
I have spent hours on the internet in an attempt to locate farmland for sale in the UK and am finding it very frustrating. Can anyone recomend good websites or a good land agent there.
Re: Estate agent to find farmland in UK

woods said:
I have soent hours on the internet in an attempt to locate farmland for sale in the UK and am finding it very frustrating. Can anyone recomend good websites or a good land agent there.
Re: Estate agent to find farmland in UK

Thanks for the suggestion. I have tried them before and it is mostly development land that they have. It is very time consuming to have to trawl through each county. I was hoping that there is some agent who only deals with large agricultural farms and would have all the big ones on his books.
Re: Estate agent to find farmland in UK

Do you mind me asking why do you want to buy agricultural land in the UK?
Re: Estate agent to find farmland in UK

Any connection between that site and what is being discussed here?

Sincere curiosity on my part.
Re: Estate agent to find farmland in UK

ubiquitous said:
Do you mind me asking why do you want to buy agricultural land in the UK?
I want to end my days as a farmer and it costs too much to buy land in Ireland. The UK is the best location because it would be easy to slip home when I want to but I would consider France if I have to.
You seem surprised at my choice of occupation (or is it location).
you mentioned France and I know of someone who moved over and took a long-term rental on a farm there (something like 20 years). As far as I remember the organisation who set him up was called SAFER although I can't come up with much when I google it. HTH
Re: Want to end days as a farmer but costs too much to buy here: EA to find UK farmla

Ive moved this interesting question from Location, Location which is really about residential estates and developments in Ireland.

Ive considered moving it to Jobs/Careers as I assume you are not a farmer now? Or perhaps Askabout business as farming is surely a business nowadays. It could equally belong in Pensions as it also appears to be a retirement planning issue.

I suggest we leave it here in Property Investment for the moment and see what response you get


No, the Green belt development land scam has being going for years in the UK. Woods needs to speak to a land agent in the county he’s interested in. Most land agents are Chartered Surveyors, I would recommend that he deal through them rather than a plot scammer. Interestingly agricultural land in Britain is about half the price of that in Ireland; due to the tighter land use planning control and the subsequent absence of ‘Hope Value’