want to do business with my Indian counterpart, what should it be?


Registered User
I need some inputs from business gurus out there. Even before I say anything, please accept my apologies if I have not rephrased it properly.

There is a close friend of mine who is willing to help me out with any business from India. While I have been thinking of the same, I can't exactly think what I can bring from India that people want here. Does anyone have any idea what I can start up with [even pointers will be great help]. Honestly please dont throw back saying I should know, while I want to do something that something being that will be useful here in Ireland. Some of the itmes that I could think of are:

Motor bikes
Daily useful items like bags, toys, cloths etc.,
Service Industry

Alternatively, I also aim to help him out with his business. So what is that I can supply from here?

I know this is all wiered, but just started thinking in this direction so all my ideas are pretty raw.

Thanks for reading!
Re: advice for the best business


All the big (UK) companies in Ireland import from the far east.
Re: advice for the best business

Research your markets and you will find what is in demand and what is not. Better to suit products to your market that suit your market to your product. What you think will work isnt good enough, you need good hard evidence that prople will buy from you if you want your business to be successful.