Wall anchors for heavy shower panel...


Registered User
Hi folks,

HAve a quite heavy shower panel that I need to put on my bath tub. The wall is tiled, warmwalled, then the blockwork. Now, with the warm wall, I don't think it's strong enough to support the weight of the panel using the screws supplied. What is the best approach to ensure the panel stays up - Frame fixers or anchors?

Hi Kerrygold,

Presume you mean a glass shower / a bath screen?

Having tackled this job myself a while back, have a look and see if there are 'grounds' (usually wooden batten, approx 50 x 50) behind the drywall, they would usually be fixed at the edge of the bath to take this - you might have to prod the wall with a screw driver to locate this, be careful not to destroy your wall!!

They screens are heavy, so a drywall partition won't hold it permanently.

Correct, bath screen is probably a better description!

The walls aren't drylined like that, they were sheets of warmwall that were screwed on to the existing wall, so no timber laths to grasp on to... That's why I'm thinking the frame fixers might been the only things long enough to go as far as the concrete that can hold it.... I seem to remember something about wall anchors being suitable for this type of loadbearing application.. Do they need a gap between the plasterboard and the concrete to work?