Waiting on Deposit


Registered User
Agreed a sale on my house 9 days ago but still no deposit down.To me if I really wanted a house I would have the money down straight away to show intent.I realise it doesn't mean anything even with the money down as the deposit is refundable,but at what point do I request a deposit or withdraw the sale etc?Anyone had any similar experiences....the auctioneer is telling me everything is fine....but why wouldn't he!
Hi Pennypincher,

We're buying a house and went sale agreed recently - the agent insisted that we had a deposit in within 48 hours. I don't know how long you should wait but you could maybe put a time limit on the agreement
The auctioneer is saying everything is fine because he is holding the deposit no doubt. I bought a year ago and didn't pay the deposit at all even though I was asked quite a lot of times for it. It wasn't that I didn't want the property its just that I treated it exactly as you say above - It doesn't have any purpose other than showing intent on the buyers side.