Waiting in front of ATM until very end


Registered User
Hi, do you wait in front on the ATM until the very end when the main initial message appears?

I do, I'm worried that some ATMs can be like the italian ones that ask if you want another transaction even if they gave back the card...

People behind in the queue get nervous... I don't care...

do irish ATM's do this ?? didnt think they did.... will check next time if i remember
I could not care less what people behind me think. When I see the green light flashing for the next customer I walk away, I was too polite once and hurried my transaction for the benefit of the person behind me and left 120.00 euro behind me , I wont make that mistake again.
I must drive people nuts! I check I have my card, count my cash discreetly and put it away, wait until the screen has gone to "welcome" mode and only then do I step away.
I enjoy waiting until the other person has moved on and I've got in front of the machine before I start looking for my wallet and taking out my card.