VW Polo: EPC warning light keeps flashing



The light EPC "Engine Management System" started to flash. My power steering went about 8 weeks ago, and was covered by guarantee and was repaired with a new power steering pump, by a dealer. Is there a link between this engine warning light and power steering, i purchased my car second hand from a garage, and do not know alot about cars. it is a 4 year old VW polo.
That happened to me when I had a polo (2002 model). There was something wrong with the coils and two had to be replaced.

I think you need to bring back to the garage.
A flashing engine management light usually means that theres potential damage been done to engine or cat.

I'd get it checked by garage ASAP.
If the brake light switch goes in a VW then it screws up the EPC. This is a very common fault with the VW. The switch costs about €15. That said though, the warning may indicate something more serious so I would get it to a garage asap.