vw golf tdi


Registered User
im considering importing a car from england in july,i am thinking about a 1.4 d4d yaris,which is only available in bog standard terra form here,its very basic,while in uk theres more choice in types avalable,the speedo can be easily turned to kms,which is a must.my queston is i am also interested in the golf tdi 1.9 105 bhp,i was wondering if this golf can be changed over to read kms or are you stuck with mph,thank for replies
Most cars whos both miles and kilometres, are you sure this isnt the case on this model?

- make sure to get it checked independently
garage checks arent guarantees but you may be safer it its a Volkswagon
- contact all banks plus xe and currency.ie to compare exchange rates

- book your flight early and save yourself some quids
Yaris has a digital display - easy to change
Golf has a analogue display - so you would need to change the face of the speedo dial if you wanted Kms as your primary read.
Seems clear enough to me Ccraig said.

1. Get potential car checked out by mechanic.
2. Get best rate for exchange to sterling?
3. Book flight to uk early to get good value.

All adds up to more savings.
thanks for all replies,but what im tryiny to find out is can something be inserted over the mph analog diall so it will read kph
thanks for all replies,but what im tryiny to find out is can something be inserted over the mph analog diall so it will read kph

There was talk of people doing this either by applying a sticker or swapping out the whole display when we had the Km changeover a couple of years ago. I woiuld say the motors forum over on www.boards.ie is your best bet for more info. One watch out is to make sure it is properly aligned or you could find yourself getting penalty points.
see it on autoexpress.co.uk,choose review a model,pick the golf and in the review you can link on to the new model with pics.