VW Golf GT 5 Door - Room for a pram?


Registered User
Hi Folks,
I was looking at getting this car (2007 model) in the next couple of weeks.
Was very excited until my wife, who is expecting our first child in November, asked would a pram fit in the boot without having to push any of the back seats down.

Any mums or dads out there got one of these cars (I presume other golf versions are same size) and if so is there enough room for a pram, bag, etc.

I wait with anticipation!


Had a Mark V (Present Model) Golf and a Bugaboo Pram/buggy fit in the boot. As said before, not much room for anything else though!!

Have a 5 door golf, and one of those double toddler and baby push chairs. Fits in nicely.
Its generally not just a pram though is it. Theres usually a few other things that you carry, like a coats, change bag etc.
We have a six month old and an opel Zafira with a very large boot when third row of seats are folded down. We need every it of room because our buggy (Mothercares own brand) is very bulky. I'm thinking aout trading the Zafira for a transit van...! Moral of the story - you can never have enough room....
I got the Quinny Buzz 3 wheeler and the chassis fits in the boot of a 5 door Yaris. Its a good buggy to go for and folds down really easy. 30% cheeper on e-bay also.
I got the Quinny Buzz 3 wheeler and the chassis fits in the boot of a 5 door Yaris. Its a good buggy to go for and folds down really easy. 30% cheeper on e-bay also.

Yes we have one of these and only takes up about half of the boot of a Corrolla Saloon. Another advantage of this system is that the wheels are detachable to fit smaller boots.
My friend has the golf and we can fit her Bugaboo and my Quinny in, it's a squeeze but we do it! You should be grand.