vrt problem 1st may

  • Thread starter stevewilton
  • Start date


please help,i was using the online vrt calculator on 1st may,entered all the details and got a vrt price of 280 e uro for duty on a car printed it off as this was then valid for 15 days went to uk and bought alfa gt ,returned 4 days later ,contacted vrt to be told duty was 7212. the offical response from them after many letters was that i should have realised that their web site was wrong there for my fault!even the ombudsman cant help.does any one know of the same or similar problem on or around 1st may
In order to try and figure out what went wrong can you post details of the car?
it was alfa gt diesel 2004,i entered details into the vrt site looking at my print off it does mention co2 emissions ,funny as they only came in 1 july as ive just found out. even so i got an offical calculation that should have been valid for 15 days
Did you not find it just a little bit odd that this valued a 2004 Alfa at an OMSP of under a thousand Euro? Common sense should have told you that couldn't be right.

I can't see you getting anywhere with this TBH.

my point is that if the vrt website gives incorrect figures out why have it there,if you phone them you get a recorded message telling you to use it!if we cant go on the offical web site for correct answers why have it?.ive been told that they were having a run of the new site but it should have been offline .its like aerlingus and the 5 e flights to usa the people that booked them only went on what they were offered on line,it was no good aerlingus saying that the website was wrong,they had to honour it.
As you were interested in importing the car I am sure you had a good idea of the VRT It was obviously a computer error and as you are dealing with the revenue you should have known you had no chance of them accepting the error
You have no chance
The website is only a guide as to what you will have to pay. The final figure is never determined until you bring the car to the VRO office.