VRT Payment query


Registered User
If I was to order a car today and make a deal on the basis of the current price, how would the price be affected if it wasn't delivered until July or later?

What i mean is, at what point is VRT applied - at the point the car enters the country or the point at which it's first registered?

It occurs that if it's the latter, the price of the car will have reduced. If I pay what was agreed, the dealer will be getting more than he agreed to accept.
when you import the car and show up at the office.... some person with no experience will look up what the Revenue think your car is worth in Ireland (this figure might not represent reality) and you will be charged VRT on that figure.

it has nothing to do with what you paid for it.
when you import the car and show up at the office.... some person with no experience will look up what the Revenue think your car is worth in Ireland (this figure might not represent reality) and you will be charged VRT on that figure.

it has nothing to do with what you paid for it.

I'm not talking about an import. I'm talking about a new car which has a certain VRT rate now (at the time of order) but which may have a differnet VRT rate at the time of delivery (if after 1st july)

The price of the car will be determined by the VRT rate but my question is, when is the VRT on a car caluclated - at the point order, delivery or registration.
It occurs that if it's the latter, the price of the car will have reduced. If I pay what was agreed, the dealer will be getting more than he agreed to accept.
While it's clear where you're coming from, I don't think you can say the above is true.

When haggling the price, the dealer(s) will be well aware of the changes in VRT and will either negotiate the price accordingly or else negotiate as normal knowing they'll make a higher profit. They won't be "getting more than he agreed to accept", they'll just be making a higher profit than they would have at a similiar price before the change in VRT.
They won't be "getting more than he agreed to accept",

They would if the deal was predicated on, say, a May or June delivery. However, with only a short delay this may become July by which time a lesser VRT rate might apply. This reduces the retail price for the car.

If the same amount is paid over, though, where else does it go other than directly to the dealer?
If I was to order a car today and make a deal on the basis of the current price, how would the price be affected if it wasn't delivered until July or later?...
If this is not a hypothetical question, in other words you are about to order a new car, why not ask the dealer?