VRT Dispute


Registered User
Has anyone experienced the process of disputing VRT. I made an application of dispute over 6 weeks ago and have heard nothing. Revenue website does not state turnaround periods.

On a seperate note - As part of the paperwork process an invoice stating the date of transaction is requested to be presented. I purposely blanked out value and made copy accordingly. When presented the inspector insisted that they need to know the purchase price of the vehicle. Am I being paranoid in thinking that this will influence their calculation process. Surely this is totally irrelevant in calculating the VRT?

Having experienced the process first time, I beleive it lacks transparency and feels like you have been robbed!
Why did you blank the purchase price? If you are disputing VRT it must be because you feel the Revenue valuation was too high therefore the price you paid for the car is figure at which the VRT should be calculated at. If you are hiding the price paid I would guess you are trying to under value the car.

I don't agree with the VRT process but unfortunately its inescapable....

With regards to time frames, why not just ring the Revenue?
The purchase price has nowt to do with them. The VRT should be calculated on the OMSP.
I have been through the VRT appeal process about 2 years ago - it takes a while - as far as I remember it takes a couple of months to get an initial acknowledgement of the appeal in writing, and then another few months to get a result - a cheque hopefully.
In my case I was refunded about 25% of the payment - approximately reflecting the valuation I argued (with supporting documentary evidence) would be more accurate initially.
There was an aritcle in the Irish Times a week or 2 ago about appeals - most are successful apparently, but very few people actually bother to appeal.
Good luck.