VRT change




I have had a look through a few posts and I can't seem to find exactly what I'm looking for. I purchased a cheap 4x4 in the UK on the 7th of June (£850) with the intention of using it for work (site engineer). The VRT at the time was €381 as far as I can recall. This seemed fine and fitted into my budget. Unfortunately, I have been waiting for the certificate of permanent export until now. This means that the VRT is now €640 which is a good deal more than I had budgeted and a large proportion of the cost of the vehicle.

While waiting for the certificate, I called the VRO and they said I would need the export cert before they could help me. I called the DVLA and they said they would send out the necessary documents. I waited a few weeks for them and then wrote them a letter (sent by registered mail and a copy kept with myself). I finally received the certificate of export last week. The date of export is down as 08/06/08 and the date of issue of the certificate is 18/09/08.

Am I entitled to pay the previous sum of €381 or must I pay the higher rate? I have imported two vehicles for my own use in the past and I have never experienced such a delay. Unfortunately, I have no print out of the previous VRT of €381.

Surely it would be a bit unfair if I had to pay almost double the VRT because I was waiting for paperwork that I was actively seeking from the DVLA. I have no issue with back dating my road tax either as this would be fair and still not as expensive as the jump in VRT.

Has anyone been in this situation? Any information would be greatly appreciated.
I've decided to write them a letter and hope it gets to someone who can make these decisions.

Any advice is still appreciated.