VRT - can I escape it?


Registered User
I live in the UK (have done all my life) and I've just been offered a job in Ireland. I was planning to move over in December, and bring my car with me. However I only bought the car 4 months ago. Now it seems that if I want to bring my car with me I'll have to pay €4200 VRT (which is almost 1/3 of what I paid for the car).

I've been searching for a way of not having to pay this tax, as 1. I can't afford it, and 2. I think it's unlawful. Especially as I've already paid tax in the UK. It's not like I bought this car with the intention of selling it on in Ireland.

Would I be able to leave the car in the UK and bring it over after the 6 months of owning it have passed?

Does anyone have any experience of a similar situation?

I really hope it doesn't come down to the fact they say I have to pay the tax. As that will mean I'll have to sell the car and buy another one in Ireland, and I've only just bought this one!!
The legalities have been challenged unsuccessfully in the past. Don't waste any money going down that road.

Could you leave the car in the UK until January when the 6 months will have passed?