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Hi all,

Can anyone tell me if the OMSP (Open Market Selling Price) for the calculation of VRT is adjusted in Januaray by the Revenue. Im buying a car in the UK in the next week and was wondering if i should hold off until the adjustment is made.

It's supposed to be adjusted on a monthly basis. It will be adjusted in January but if the car you are importing is deemed to be a "Classic", it's OMSP may actually rise.

God only knows how they come up with some of their OMSP values.
Hi Everyone,

This is a seperate query but on VRT. Last year my father bought a 1995 Ford Escort for my younger sister which cost £110 she never actually got around to driving it, so its been sitting outside our house since then. He was under the illusion that there was no VRT on cars over ten years.

However yesterday when he went to register the car to his and my amazement he found out that there is a minimum VRT payment of €300. Personally i think this is a disgrace as the car is worth nowhere near that! Anyone got any opinions on this? Is this actually true?

There is an online VRT calculator on https://www.ros.ie/VRTEnquiryServlet/showVRT

I was told that the OMSP are set by SIMI. In this case they have a vested interest in over valueing cars coming into the country as it means a loss of business for the majority of their members. In fairness to the Revenue, they do not know a thing about cars so they have to ask someone for the info.
The best advice is to get the highest spec car you can as they rarely increase the VRT payable due to extras such as auto, Sunroof, leather etc.
OPSP is adjusted in jan. I had been told this as I am importing.

Price changed on morning of jan 1st 2007.

Not totally true for extras. one of the big extras would be Leather if this is not part of the original Car spec
Hi folks, am new to this site but all this talk of VRT got me excited!
I'm from N.Ireland and in the market for a new vehicle. To buy a vehicle in ROI for export is exclusive of both VAT & VRT and is among the cheapest in europe. UK VAT must be paid at point of entry @ 17.5% however this still leaves the vehicle cheaper than from a N.I dealer.
and as far as I know all the souther dealers have a limit on the number they can sell to northern buyers. ie the dealership restricts the number to safeguard the northern dealers. get in early though......