Vote for the greatest Irish person of all time:

Doesn't Wellington have some comment attributed to him, in the context of his birthplace, that 'being born in a stable does not make one a horse .." ?

I have heard that he didn’t say that at all.
Probably a story put about by the same people that think there is a monument to him in the Phoenix Park.
So... ?
All it proves is that internet polls like this are pointless as the morons come out in their droves to vote for people they know, not for those who are worthy.

I was merely stating why Stephen Gately appears on the list. I was NOT condoning the inlcusion I can assure you. It is highly unlikely that he would have been considered for the list had he still been alive.
... a story put about by the same people that think there is a monument to him in the Phoenix Park.
It just goes to show how little they know, the fecken blow-ins. The memorial is actually to mark the spot where many moons ago the then Pauline head honcho appeared in a cloud of euphoria and borrowed helicopters. Since then every holder of the office has been true to the Monument's inscription which reads :

"Asia and Europe, saved by thee, proclaim
Invincible in war thy deathless name,

Now round thy brow the civic oak we twine

That every earthly glory may be thine."
No, It's the Wellington testamonial as it was erected when he was alive. Monuments can only by to dead people.
It's a moot point. It was commissioned and building started before his death as a testimonial, but due to budget over-runs (19th Century Fianna Fáilers & Dunnes Stores bags?) it wasn't completed and officially unveiled until a few years after his death. In anyways we always called it "De Monument", so dere, righ'?

It used to feature in a green logo on the butter wrappers for The Monument Creamery.
Vere Foster is the greatest Irishman who ever lived.

It was due to him that we have a high standard of education.

He also helped save thousands upon thousands of people during the famine.
Where are all the heroic smart women like Mary o Rourke on that list
Greatest Irish person

Was wondering does this ring any bells.

I want to do an essay on an Irish person who spent most of his fortune helping Ireland's poor in the 1800s or 1900s.

I have read about him on this site before from possibly Purple?
Was wondering does this ring any bells.

I want to do an essay on an Irish person who spent most of his fortune helping Ireland's poor in the 1800s or 1900s.

I have read about him on this site before from possibly Purple?

Nope it was me who wrote about him.

The man's name was Vere Foster.

If you google him you'll come up with all sorts of stuff.

Fascinating man saved 25,000 people by getting them out of the country to places like Canada during the famine with his own money then when the famine started to ease he started to build schools and fund them himself.

The place where he grew up is only fantastic and if you want to have a look at it go to this site

He died penniless in Belfast and had 12 mourners at his funeral.
The place where he grew up is only fantastic and if you want to have a look at it go to this site

Great man alright but he only arrived in Ireland in 1847 when 28 years of age and that was only a visit.