Volvo V50


Registered User
Any owners? What are they like to own? Most importantly would I get a bag of clubs in the boot?!
I looked at these very seriously a while back for the missus.
She'd fallen in love with the looks of the thing and thought it a step above her Golf.
Until we got inside and had a feel of the seats and the plastic and the width of the cabin.
Kinky floating centre console apart, there didn't seem to be a whole lot to recommend it.
We did a chart comparison of the 1.8 E85 against the Golf 1.4TSI and the Golf won hands down on everything including emissions, apart from a a bit less load capacity.
You pays yer money and you takes yer choice, but its a far heavier car than the Golf and the 1.6 D is a bit of a slug.
Check the consumption figures of any e85 engine when running on the funny juice and you'll see consumption rocket, far beyond the "10% extra" SAAB were quoting two years ago for its 9-3.

Anyway, the current obkect of her indoors car lust is the 1.5DCi Qasquai, and if not for the downturn, we might own one now.

That having been said, if you;re just after an economical runabout look no further thant the Ford Focus C-Max - a mini MPV well able to carry to large adults in front, plus family plus luggage and bowl along at 130kph where permitted, all the while giving over 40 mpg on the Diesel. Aircon, lights, brakes, suspension and overall width were all put to the test on Italian Autostrada and secondary roads in June 2009. Recommended.


Um, onq...are you comparing a Golf, Qashqai, 9-3 & C-Max against a V50 ???

That's like 5 completely different styles of car !

OP, know nothing about the V50, sorry, but I do love the look of 'em...then again I've a soft spot for all Volvo Estates (starting with the 850 in T5 guise), but I'd safely say that seeing as the V50 is an estate, you'll probably get 4 sets of clubs in the boot !.
To me they are all four wheelers with a rear loading door and if you check the carrying capacities they aren't too far apart.


Most cars can get two sets of clubs in. The V50 looks good but it doesn't seem all that big inside. If you don't really need the space, but like the rest of the car then why not go for it. But theres lots of cheap cars around now if you are limited to an estate.

Test drove a Focus C-Max recently and was surprised how roomy it was and how good it was to drive. Looks a bit like a small van though, which might be the deal killer for you. Some good deals on them though.
C-Max is a bit "blocky" but very economical and can hold a high cruising speed well and economically - had one on holidays this year.
Not sure you'd want to pose into the golf club car park in one unless you have a cast iron ego - I do, but I don't play golf :)
Of course in these times a new Ford Focus C-Max could strike the right note with those born again Green club members...


Volvo V50: Great looking and a very strong competitor to the Audi A4 Avant, BMW 3 Series Touring and Mercedes C Class estate.

It's in good company there. I like the look of it myself.